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Hello, and let's go!

I'm Paulina: a language enthusiast, an ESL teacher and an EdTech geek.

Whether you got here to find some easy activities to apply in your classroom or you are searching for some inspiration, you've come to the right place. 

I hope to help teachers from all walks of life and share some useful materials and ideas.


Thoughts. Experiences. Ideas.


I'm so glad you're here.

I've created @TeacherlyEnglish chiefly to share my experience and ideas on how to make English classes more dynamic and entertaining.

The more I teach, the less I tend to use the coursebook. The immense amount of materials available on the Internet might obviously be the reason behind it. However, I struggled to find a place where I could find quality lesson plans or some quick last-minute activities without spending hours surfing the net. 

Hopefully, this site will help those pressed-for-time teachers, like myself, looking for inspiration or ideas to implement in their classrooms. In the end, we all know that today's students need constant stimulation. The traditional teaching style just doesn't work anymore. We, as well, get tired of routines and giving the same old exercises. Thus, take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover something new. If you do, let me know. 

I really am looking forward to hearing from you!

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